Learning To Run
I'll let you into a secret. No, Not THAT secret!!!! A different one. This blog is not about learning to run. It's not actually about...

Health, Fitness and Fake News!!!
I'll be honest this type of blog post has been done before, There are plenty of versions of it online already. And I'm sure it will be...

Does This Sound Like You??
Before taking the plunge and going solo with my personal training career, I did what all budding PT's do and I worked in a local gym. For...

3 Extra Hard Ab Exercises For You To Try
Most gym goers are mad keen on training their abs. They perform countless crunches and try to hold planks for as long as possible...

Are You Fit For Purpose???
If you are reading this there is a very high chance you are into fitness!! The dictionary definition of fitness is: In good health,...

Farmers walks are a great full body exercise. They work all the major muscle groups and can be used to achieve different training goals....